Disability or Superpower? Helping Your Child Cope

Nancy Grabe is the founder of Foundational Family, an online Parent Coaching program. She is a clinical social worker, speaker, and parenting coach who helps parents understand their children’s challenges so they can help them live fulfilling lives.  Nancy is a wealth of information, encouragement, and entertaining tales, thanks to her 35 years of experience as a therapist and her own first-hand understanding as a parent.

On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:

  • If IQ is the main determinant of a child’s academic success
  • What does it mean when a child is considered twice exceptional
  • Ways in which managing a disability is a superpower
  • How trauma triggers learning difficulties
  • Strategies for parents to support kids and help them succeed
  • When a disability may be mistaken for laziness or lack of motivation

Nancy can be reached at nancy@nancygrabe.com and FoundationalFamily.com and on her website where you can sign-up for a 20-minute phone call and a free Parenting Style Quiz which includes emails and videos explaining the results.

You can find Dynamis Learning on all the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Helen can be reached at info@dynamislearningacademy.com.

To schedule a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs including advocacy resources and/or obtain a tutor for your child, contact Helen Panos at 770-282-9931 or email her at the email address above.