Helen helps kids get their homework done,
improve their grades, and be happier at school & home.
Parents are not meant to be the teachers of every subject
but to spend quality time with their kids.
Helen Panos, founder of Dynamis Learning, is an accomplished educator/instructional specialist with over 25 years experience in a public school system with regular and gifted education. She has several years of experience with curriculum design and has served on multiple educational committees over the years related to the state of Georgia and other public school systems in the metro Atlanta area.
She also has an Educational Leadership Degree in Administration and Supervision and has had more recent experience in leading parents and teachers in Section 504 meetings. She believes that students can achieve their potential when given the right tools, resources and strategies.
Past Speaking Engagements Include:

GAGC, Georgia Association of Gifted Conference

GMSA, Georgia Middle School Association Conference

People to People Ambassador Program, Beijing China

Professional Development Seminars with Teachers

The Daily Huddle

B-Now Radio Online
The Dynamis philosophy is simple….with over 25 years educational experience, Helen Panos, the founder of Dynamis, has taught many children how to succeed in school and life. She specializes in helping children close the gaps or get ahead – making the parents lives so much easier in the process.
Helen listens, discusses and customizes a program to meet your child’s needs and goals using the best qualified tutor. Depending on your child’s strengths and weaknesses, she will connect you with a Dynamis trained tutor who will best assist your child in his academic journey. The tutors who work for Dynamis Learning specialize in reading, math, gifted, special education, SAT/ACT and more. The tutors are also flexible in terms of location and will meet your child in your home or a mutually convenient place.


How to Help Your Children Complete Their Homework (without frustration or anger) / 3 Techniques to Help Minimize the Battle Over Homework Each Night.
Ever feel like you are in a constant battle over homework with your children, and it never seems to end? You find your children are not focused enough to get the work done on time and everyone gets frustrated or angry. Good news! There’s a way to create a calmer environment at home around doing homework every night.
You’ll discover….
- How to set up your home environment so it is conducive to your children getting their work done
- How to change the dynamics at home so all homework is done without a fight each night
- A simple process to help your children start and end their academic school year on a positive and successful note
- The secret to a reward/consequence system that works

How to Eliminate Problems ADHD Kids Have with their Academics
You’ll discover….
- The top 3 ways to help an ADHD child do well in his academics
- Five strategies to help an ADHD child be self-sufficient and productive (read: giving you more free time!)
- How ADHD children can be successful when given a different method of learning
- A simple process ADHD children can follow to get homework done on time

How to Master Test Taking Strategies: Simple Successful Ways to Enhance Your Child’s Grades
Feel like your child is struggling with tests in school but can’t explain why his test or quiz grades are low? It’s time to learn some simple strategies that will help him be more successful during tests. In this world, there is much emphasis on test and quiz scores, so it’s important to learn the techniques that could help your child succeed. And the sooner you both learn these – the easier school will become as these techniques can be applied over and over again in different testing scenarios!
You’ll discover….
- The importance of following certain guidelines when taking tests
- The key to raising your test grades – a step by step approach to being a successful test taker
- How to change the way you approach a test before you enter the testing environment
- The exact strategies you can use to help relieve you of test anxiety and feeling like you cannot test well

How to Get Extra Support from Schools for Kids with Disabilities 3 things you can do within Georgia Law to help your child if they have academic difficulties or a medical diagnosis.
You’ll discover….
- What the RTI/SST process is and what you can do for your child if they are having academic difficulties
- How to go about helping your child with a medical diagnosis get accommodations under Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act
- What are the differences between a 504 plan and an IEP and what qualifies a child for these plans
- Tips on how to prepare for a 504 and education placement meeting
And so much more…
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