Aligning Social-Emotional Goals at Home & School
Mary DeSimone, the owner of Mountaintop Education Consulting, is an international education coach specializing in English Learner success. With over 20 years of experience in multilingual education as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, and district administrator, she founded Mountaintop Education Consulting. Currently, she designs and provides professional development to educators and community groups worldwide. Her professional development work encompasses curriculum design, growth mindset, emotional intelligence, creating engaging content, and establishing successful classrooms and schools for multilingual learners.
On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:
- What emotional intelligence and social-emotional learning is
- Ways that emotional intelligence is taught in many schools
- How parents and teachers can effectively partner together to reinforce emotional intelligence learning at home and school
- One simple tip that parents can use to start conversations about emotions with their kids
You can reach Mary at mary@mountaintopeducationconsulting.com and visit her website at bit.ly/MTEC_INFO. You can also find her social media channels for Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/mountaintopeducationconsulting or LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/mtecmarydesimone.
You can find Dynamis Learning on all the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Helen can be reached at info@dynamislearningacademy.com.
To schedule a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs including tutoring, advocacy resources, academic planning, SAT/ACT and more, contact Helen Panos of Dynamis Learning at 770-282-9931 or email her at the email address listed above.