Diet and ADHD

Diet and ADHD

Do you know or have a child with ADHD?  If so, please read this blog to get some tips that may help. There’s a lot of research being done about this condition and your mind is probably already overwhelmed with questions…should I medicate my child?  How will this...
Academic Course Planning in Middle & High School

Academic Course Planning in Middle & High School

An Important Path to a Child’s Future Success in Public Schools   Start Early: Pre-Teen Planning for Post-Secondary Success I recently recorded a podcast with one of my tutors, Erica, who is a veteran educator and has tutored for the last 10 years. She currently...
The Many Advantages of Tutoring

The Many Advantages of Tutoring

If you’re a parent, chances are it’s crossed your mind to get outside help for your child’s education. Whether you’re a home school parent, have kids with special needs, or just think today’s common core curriculum is a bit too advanced, the idea of adding extra...
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What Are You Doing For Others?’”  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What comes to mind when you hear about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day?  Most Americans recognize it as a day of remembrance of...