Why Does Santa Ring the Doorbell?

Why Does Santa Ring the Doorbell?

Have You Been Visited by Santa? On Christmas Eve, I remember being excited about having a visit from Santa Claus as my twin, Costa and I would be waiting anxiously in our bedroom for his arrival. My mother would tell us to be very quiet and still as we awaited the BIG...
A Greek Holiday Tradition: From Our Founder

A Greek Holiday Tradition: From Our Founder

My Greek Christmas Holiday Celebration Growing up Greek in America, I always look forward to the holidays because I got to eat one of my favorite foods from the Greek culture. Pastichio is an all-time favorite of mine because it is very similar to Lasagna in that it...
Winter Break: A Time to Reconnect with Family!

Winter Break: A Time to Reconnect with Family!

Winter break is a wonderful time of the year when we can all join together with our families and enjoy a much-needed break. It’s a joyous moment at the end of a long year when everyone has the opportunity to rest up and refresh. However, more often than not, this can...
Diet and ADHD

Diet and ADHD

Do you know or have a child with ADHD?  If so, please read this blog to get some tips that may help. There’s a lot of research being done about this condition and your mind is probably already overwhelmed with questions…should I medicate my child?  How will this...


Thanksgiving is a special time of year, wouldn’t you agree? It’s a time for us to take a pause from the busy lives we lead and be thankful for the many things we have been given. Let’s take a moment and just think about those things. I know I am personally thankful...
How to Teach Your Kids Leadership Skills

How to Teach Your Kids Leadership Skills

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”- John C. Maxwell Do you have a teen who is looking for ways to build their resume for a job or college admissions application?  Or, maybe you’re a parent of a child that’s in elementary school, and...