Parenting Blind Spots: Seeing & Moving Past Them

Carmelita “Cat” Tiu is a life strategist and mindset coach for high-achieving moms and the podcast host of “Know Them, Be Them, Raise Them.”  Through her podcast and coaching, she helps moms define what makes them authentically and holistically happy so that they can show up for themselves and their families, especially for their daughters, in the way that they want to.

 On this episode of Smart Parents Successful Students, you will hear:

  • How to avoid blind spots in parenting
  • Why it’s important for parents to incorporate soliciting feedback from their kids
  • Keys for parents to become positive role models for their children
  • Strategies for parents to create a safe space of warmth and safety for kids
  • Why parents should practice self-care and boundaries to benefit their children

Cat can be reached at and on her website at where you can sign-up for a complimentary 30-minute coaching consult and a free guide on 7 Ways We Accidentally Undermine Our Kids, And What We Can Do About It.

You can find Dynamis Learning on all the social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Helen can be reached at

To schedule a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs including advocacy resources and/or obtain a tutor for your child, contact Helen Panos at 770-282-9931 or email her at the email address above.